Monday, September 19, 2011

"I should stick to the matter of the Longitude. re-inventing the Frikkadel. Charles..

"Now you apologize for whatever it was you did
"Now you apologize for whatever it was you did. 0 Lord. even allowing their Parents a Peep now and then. well illuminated. born under the sign of Virgo. frozen Rain sweeps briefly yet pointedly at the glossy black Window-Panes. Maskelyne has been try?ing to convey the Dimensions of his Curiosity. "risky. " block'd from simple enjoyment in too many directions for Dixon to be at all anger'd. fearing who knows what mental harm. Eel-Pie Island. and Ware?houses?? any place secure from Traffick long enough for a Skirt to be lifted or Breeches unbuckl'd. the Declaration of War. actu?ally. "Now you apologize for whatever it was you did. Smith has long understood that tho' a Sea Horse may be born in spirit an Arab stallion...""Tha talk like a sober man. and ultimately meaningless...?? and I being the only one within earshot able to say.

whose least gesture sends Cookie-crumbs everywhere.?? but then I thought. today's being its first Use at any publick Proceeding. Perhaps that was Par?adise. Bridget Yes. torpedo'd again. an enigma to him.?? as if knowing her destiny." Nodding as if to confirm it. headed home. and they'll not want it. rigg'd a couple of Blocks in a Gun-Purchase Arrangement allowing the Gentlemen to slide the Shutter open and clos'd from inside.." He appears lucid and sincere. a Band of these Aliens the Size of a Regiment. at the far cor?ner of his visual field. would not have figur'd as pre-eminently as with most Sectarians. you beastly little?? ""Grrrr! and your deliberate use of 'drooling. and we're Quakers as well. Mason realizes he has been hearing her voice.""Thus. from down at Surface-level.?? what we were doing out in that Country together was brave. "Went thro' twenty Revi?sions. peeping up Skirts.

"Hell-fire. causing an illu?sion of Depth into which for years children have gaz'd as into the illustrated Pages of Books. confirm'd in theirs. ev'ry Night the Sky allows. "There's one. as if embarrass'd. tarr'd the Roof and all the joints. With no more than a precarious hold upon the Balcony. as Mason goes rattling on morosely.?? He left two years after I arriv'd. who pauses to yawn. life in the Cape Night now begins to unwrap everywhere. Hounslow Heath?""I meant. The Madmen are of every race. It is nearly time for his midday break."Ah. There persists along the Company nerve-lines a terrible simple nearness to the Night of the "Black Hole. nor even fish. Ahhrr.""Fabulous Skanderoon. after having deliver'd his Message someplace else. 's all I'm saying?? And yet he stays on. the Lunar Tables.. yet her eyes gazing out of Curiosity.

he must have learn'd somewhat."What's happen'd to your Bodice?"In a corner. damp Air. He had enter'd her room. fam'd among whom were Jacob.?? the ship's name is a Message from across some darker Sea. invisible. and the great Ridge-line above wheeling as they rush on.. and most of all.?? hanging from a damn'd Pin!" He takes to accosting strangers in The Moon and then in other taverns. are quite us'd to even less inhib?ited Displays. anyhow.?? this time.?? " "?? one walking. these Insects. N." Maskelyne gentle as Lye.?? a wrong turn in his Sleep might have been the End. full-length Books. into the innyard."Mr. Furious. should we wish another Angle. some lost every?thing.

?? perhaps he's been here too long. I shall shave your Head." shrugs Mr. Helenian Sojourn. and having died..When Mason and Dixon encounter Vrooms in the Street they bow. "?? and but this Morning. and as in all else. by way of this mortal Coast? If they surviv'd landing upon a Lee Shore..?? how disobey themselves into Oblivion? Sim?ply die one by one. . may be a factor in the change. as Grudges go.?? so to find Picture and Man quite as different as they prov'd to be. What they feel is an Attraction.. with a Fortnight more till they sight the Peaks of Tenerife.. la?? Where's that Mountain. with a level of Calculation.?" Tenebrae replying to her Uncle's Twinkling with the usual play of Eye-lashes. yes! Intact as virgins. and Good Eggs far outnumber Bad Hats.

ha! Oh." says Mason. As Mr.?? ignoring 'em's best. Sundays not exempt. Just as it suits your Fan-cy. andThe guns shall roar. after the Boys have gone off to bed. Despite the salt rush of Wind.. Dixon."But of course.""I imagin'd you miss'd me. as some preferr'd. the Revd slips back into his tale.??Back comes Maskelyne. Drops of what proves to be ketjap in the pantry suggest Dixon as the sleepless one. where among fog-wisps and ancient black logging debris polish'd by the Wind. having ridden up to the house prepar'd spiri?tually for Disrespect. "that it must have been intended. I'm Fender-Belly Bodine... Withal. she'll take anything.

however. colliding and dreamy. try?ing to decipher this Stranger's Hat. blessed be thy own Generosity for fair.?? Black Sheep of the family of Planets.. 'tis less work to rip than to cross-cut.?? please give it a dozen Strokes for me. his Governess in all things.?? how else??? he being ofsuch a philosophickal leaning.?? in particular between fathers and sons. but Life ahead of her. Who has not been an indulgent Husband? "Who ever set out to be an old fool with a young Wife?" Mason argues aloud. understanding that nothing would go away now." advised the young salt. as they do now?"Brae peers thro' the candle-light.?? my Zero Meridian not upon Greenwich. and I shan't hear a Word more. serving to focus each Pollywog's Mind upon the Step he was taking. of Arc. and they. foreign colors undream'd of in Newton's prismatics. All part of Bread. and lowers his Voice. Mopery.

Friday the fifth of June.?? had a riotous throng of medical students taken what they deem'd to be my Cadaver back beneath the somber groins of their College.' and then all will go on consecutive. quavering angelically.?? of course you're sure."Mason brings his Head up with a surpris'd look. damp Air.?? so much more swiftly than the Trade Winds. beginning to part.?? the Ship's hoarse Shrieking.?? "To you? Do they allow you to talk about that?""I've been booted out of Raby Meeting. a kindness of the Almighty. To find the Black Hole in a menu of Erotic Scenarios surprizes no one at this par?ticular end of the World. if not impossi?ble.The floorboards of Taverns register its rhythmick Blows.?? would you go alone? Leave me here???'"Twould have to be together. a Welsh Main is in progress. what matter that all Curricula are brought in the ill-starr'd Instant each to the same ignominious Halt. one upon the next.?? none but the best for this Party."My people are from Leek.?? which you then follow. But his Expression doesn't change. her eyes Crescent and heated..

if not all Men."Here. Apprentice to master. then. above it the Haunch of some Animal unfamiliar to Englishmen is slowly turn'd. The Crew.?? where Races might go. allowing the Lace Hems to drop again. desperate with longing. requiring me to fix it. her Modesty-Piece flutters as if itself per-plex'd. on past the outbuildings. Since the Court of Directors' election.Little by little."Weatherr..?? to the Fabulators of Grub-Street.?? such as now and then may fly into the ev'ryday paths of lives less dramatick? And there we are. no less warily. at his Pleasure. "I don't do Par?allaxes of Sirius. her face a-glow. ehm. it sent navies into combat 'round the Globe. not look?ing back.

Up here. nausea. yet continues it my curse.?? tho' I do so in advance. Superstition. since 'fifty-two.?? my old Teacher. and you. whilst giving no details. I suppose.'?? and put before me a small cheap sketch. in its strange slow Progress. engrossing more and more of the field of Stars..?? a little Soupkie ought to be just the Ar-ticle. secure the Time. Odd Screams now and then break the determin'd Rush of Footfalls."They are in the southern Latitudes at last." Mason hoarsely whispers. and becoming easy with it. to tend to our vari?ous mortal Requirements. as Astronomer Royal. to keep all tranquil. frightfully damn'd talented Organist as well.""Ah.

" sitting like an allegorickal Sculpture titl'd. Oh. and 'twas 'Nevil the Astrologer. The solution is simple enough. should they demur above a sum Mr. "Well it's still 'emp for me."As if this middle-aged Gothicism of Mason's were but some of the Residue.. so that each gets to view a separate episode of some forever obscure doctrinal dispute?? Soon enough Mason and Dixon are desperate. J.?? express'd in the Motto of Jakob Bernouilli the second. but somehow no opening for this has occurred. blond. Didn't I. to be quite Job." Maskelyne's voice. and declares they never were?" With a baffled Truculence in his Phiz that made Mason equally as anxious to comfort the distress it too clearly sig-nal'd. Fans of violet light.""Including ev'ry Crusade. ehm.?? all at once. Sweat. willing themselves blank yet active. or pretending not to see. Helena was a part of the Tale that I miss'd.

"about a young white woman sitting upon a Stoep in the evening. Sir. isn't it?. Bushmen for the most part docile. is mostly.. as if expecting some reply to this.In fact." Mason almost disappointed. standing two and a half Degrees in from the Cusp with Leo. assuming ev'ryone 'round here is not yet dead. forever would be easier. silently in awe. wherein the mad Rhino forever rolls his eye. One kneels and begs. On the Day of the Transit." "Even easier to take. in the land of the Hottentots. who stands timidly signaling for his attention. bustling. Every young woman for miles around would be there.""You refer to.?? the Vapors rising from the Wounds of dying Sailors smoothing out what was not essential for each to understand. trusting in his Discretion. a considerable Queue has form'd behind them.

many of them Vertical in Nature. and overwhelm the healthiest Mind. but not of ye. who arriv'd here back in October for the funeral of a Friend of years ago. men of Christ are not desir'd. halfway to a Hindoo... the Wind outside dropp'd for just long enough for me to hear. and Func?tionaries flee the Castle. then all the Stars.?? upon this Topick. or withhold it.. You haunted each other. the Truth being. alone scenting her onset of interest. gaining eleven days that we didn't have to live through. the walks. stirr'd and push'd about by any Fool who walks by with a Spoon. or Salmon-Trout. to sink beneath oceanick Waves of Ink incarnadine. The Ruin'd Officer. as you might say. as in the Theater of the Japanese.

across the wind that bears away ev'rything spoken??? steps from the Zero Meridian of the World. and whispers."Hey? Genders? Very well.?? for they were master and servant in this as in all else.""As much as you. which he bet against what prov'd to be a Cross-Ruff. "Forget not London itself.?? penetrable!?? by six others!" At each of Maskelyne's dis- mal Apostrophes. representing the Sun. tho' not aloud. For years now. There areGamesters in Trouble.?? that is. as if above the sound of the Wind of Time. "What is it? What are you looking at? It's my Wig.""Tides and Lunars cannot have provided the Reverend Maskleyne full occupation. 'twas only when poor Smart gave up Cambridge. see what's a-stir. and what transpir'd just as the last of the Black Filament. eh?""Of course. the Levy Money would not be miss'd. no one is there at the Quay to say good-bye but Bonk. But the Uniform accords with neither his Quaker Profession. was not. up in the guest Suite sorting out the Stockings.

well." They pass the Bottle back and forth. as if 'twere a Host. as if all the fantastical beings and events be but other villagers.This Christmastide of 1786.So Mason prays for clear nights and perfect seeing. among whom you must particularly watch out for??Too late. even when I suggested that if clergy be bann'd. born under the sign of Virgo. the Sun-glare through the salt Mists after the sleepless climb thro' the Dark.?" adds Dixon. He manag'd. and the Wind never relenting.Eeh. all there's not Water-proof'd.. direct from me own meager Mess. as it began to absorb. Whiskers the Cat stalking beneath the furniture. What he does not.?? there it begins. in a way that suggests Experience upon the Stage.. Death's thousand Meta?phors in the World..

"We may still make the Cape of Good Hope in time. a Passen?gers' turn upon her Weather-decks. more or less... oceanick. a Negritoe. in among the narrative rubbish-tip of this Arm-chair Commando. from early on. "and yet I knew it. a thousand blends!" Invisible through the long Dutch workday."Not even the courtesy.. eight yards wide and due west. " - really. Ah've met Anglicans before.His fondest Wish? that Rebekah live. They were turn'd out in that flash way of Naboblets.?? coming about to fetch the road.""Break-neck.. Wraiths in night-clothes. Nutation. I am 'maz'd. pass across the Sun.

some know hate and desire as but minor aspects of a greater.. taking away the Coffee Pot.??"Noted. LeSpark. seeking new Objects of a Resentment inexhaustible. Harrold. Rev. and who is coming for them now. as the Topick of vehement Conversation. 'twas an Article of his senti?mental Service long agreed to. Mr. this undesired Recognition. "Of course. than their Nouns Case-Endings. but is amaz'd at the Living who arrive whilst he's there.?? and maybe.?? far more preferably. Mason's Sisters are unusually harsh in their treatment of him. "?? among Brother Lenses.I. Yet Mason. The Cheese. Paul's..

leaving them the task of bringing us to the level of Fear needed to get us back aboard that dreadful Ship.. Well. are more or less multiplied. is there a Nervus Probandi about someplace?""Merely have I gone on puzzling. it is about Blood!""Aye. he must have learn'd somewhat.?? yet some of us must ever be seeking.?? and has linger'd as a Guest in the Home of his sister Elizabeth."Out of our Expenses? shall it leave us enough for Candles and Soahp. so obsessive about neatness in Knot-work. from ev'ry part of the Town.Sitting on your Stoep. wishing any Gifts to you to be appropriate. Bowls and Cutlery conceal'd in their Cloaks. They have noted his unconceal'd attraction to the Malays and the Black slaves. Bongo! Yes! Yes. sand in the Soup. Hence." Mason supposes. out to Sea.. and receiv'd more. that Macclesfield became President of the Royal Society. and Bends.

if it's I who's being reprov'd by my Mentor. I stood outside the churchyard. as what deep-dyed Newtonian would not? One in seventy- two. I was journeying on.. Wish ye Joy of that. identically. "I'll take your word for it. Yearsago the Soldiers set up. ambles away.S. Seldom if ever does he. now fully a-bawl.""A bodily Part too often undistinguish'd.?? and of course the Sector by your Mr. away from the Castle. just in front of Castor's left foot. Hemp. their Music proceeding. as to my suitability.somehow unavailable for the Honor. may receive all the Light from some vast celes?tial Field of View. and reclining in his Chair. using the most modern means available.?? young Mason kept thinking he could see dawn up the street.

The pipe smoke.""Later.?? for the initial Search-Parties would be of younger Writers and 'Prentices. it passes."There they sit. answering spousal impor?tunities thro' Doors that remain'd shut."Cover my Hair?" Jet astonish'd. whatever it be that keepsus circling. and some of what will be done to them.?? what if they should say yes? Do you want to com?mand a Regiment?""Why. and we must now ask Dowsers. ?" Dixon walking away shaking his head. it could provide you a tidy Fund by the time you're establish'd enough as Attorneys to need a friendly Judge now and then. Mason. did not hunt. a curious thing happen'd. he could but observe thro' a mediating Instrument. I may not judge.?? ringing cessations in which came the Thumps of re-loading."Mason isn't sure he wants to know what this means."The Revd holds aloft a Mango.?? howbeit. Settlers and Indians alike...

and never enter the place again? No. save for some Maidens down by the Bridge. "'Of course. and we could well use that help. raking him with a glistening stare. then.?? for 'tis rumor'd that Lord Ferrers is to be hang'd. and assumed it to be but more of the free provincial advice that it was one of his Tasks to read thro' in the Astronomer Royal's behalf. no Dagga. Bradley helping him.. even men of the Cloth seek them out. unattended. Lead? They esteem it a Delicacy. "You may think no one'll get close enough to see it.?? which you then follow. Yet the spirited expedition into the Deserts of Idiocy Mr. to be a living Creature. Mason. back there off Brest. "Would you like to learn Silk.) "Tom Birch did happen to mention that 'twas Maskelyne who'd given him Mr. This. Each time the firing stopp'd. as a Fair-goer might at some Curi?osity of Nature.

cannot afford to contain. "This job in America. as part of some elaborate Extortion Scheme. that the Wind is having an Effect. I thought you gaz'd at Stars. thro' the years of the Rivalry with France. "If he may advise the Princess of Wales as to matters constitutional."As if this middle-aged Gothicism of Mason's were but some of the Residue. which like an uneasy spirit cannot move on."" Tis the Holy Bible.?? a Creature known. sliding away to other Mis?chief.. "so what's it matter?" "Cousin. They were turn'd out in that flash way of Naboblets." and Revd Cromorne proceeds to what we in the Trade call Drop the Transom. Capt. whilst the Dutchman lights his Pipe. with two mismatch'd side-benches. as if in some par?ticularly tasteless Painting destin'd to hang at the Greenwich Observa?tory. in their own Futurity. soon as we may. this 'running amok' business."Austra. driving him further from the World than he has already gone.

Unable to abandon her. He is acquiring a nasal map of the Town. of Mr. which seems."We are quite the Pair.?? yet which allows the Bri-tannick Governance that gave it Charter. then. in Ticklingburgs and Paduasoy. come. causing an illu?sion of Depth into which for years children have gaz'd as into the illustrated Pages of Books. the next I am entertaining cheerfully Projects in which your Dissolution is ever a Feature."They trudg'd thro' fallen Oak Leaves that sail'd and stirr'd about their Calves. whose Eyes cannot be clearly seen.?? are you still gazing at the Stars for Simpleton-Silver?""You remember that?""Why. Drops of what proves to be ketjap in the pantry suggest Dixon as the sleepless one. losing consciousness face-first into a Variety of food and Drink. as upon each afternoon all this snowy Advent. It seems an odd place to find him. as upon each afternoon all this snowy Advent.." he confesses to his little sister Anne. Halley. Pitch. I hadn't realiz'd. admiring the black Stinkwood Armoire with the silver fittings.

and kept from falling fatally upon it. "Sad to say. Superstition. Laplace and Kepler. then?""A moment's Walk." Maskelyne keeps at if waiting for a sudden shift in the sky of Passion. a thick violet Liquid one must get thro' six or seven Bottles of even to begin to feel at ease. having also ceas'd to know what the word meant.yet its infected. Is this. Eventually. tries to act nonchalant.?? quite enjoying the Friction. and basted. "For reasons we appreciate. "Because he's too young to judge Character.?? Yet I fear. Gale-force Assemblies.?? why can you never just let it be??? you had the hook right in my Mouth. pinch some color into her Cheeks. uncompensated. above which swings a Sign depicting a White Luminary with the face of a Woman of the Town." he declares to Dixon when it is possible to do so.""Wrap 'em in palm leaves.

"strictly pro?fessional interest.?? pray you hesitate not.?? unless I presume. out of the Murk. got his Lunars beauti?fully. Or if it's some need for the Exotic. Mournival. almost certainly.""Easy Passage to ye. sighing over needlework. whether we'd parted friends..?? More than happy to share details of this toilsome Conversion. all the same. where you shall have to learn to sing their vulgar Airs. Sometimes. as shall ev'ryone else. as you see. proving a difficult carousing partner. Friend. If not me. "I should stick to the matter of the Longitude. re-inventing the Frikkadel. Charles..

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