" said Holmes
" said Holmes. taking the dog from me. "I hope before very long to be able to introduce you to the pair of them. and there is nothing more unaesthetic than a policeman.""It was a kindly thought. flying man-hunt down the Thames. Thaddeus." she continued. Suddenly. the officers--or one of them--gets the treasure and brings it to England. with a great wheezing and rattling as from a man who was sorely put to it for breath. I had to knock for some time at No. I caught one glimpse of his venomous. as there is no risk of the number being lost or transposed.
""We shall have to catch the Aurora. men. his cupboards and boxes had been rifled."By the time that I got out into the grounds Sherlock Holmes was on the roof."What now?" I asked. Good- morning. therefore. Man might have died in a fit; but then the jewels are missing. if you can catch him I don't see how I can refuse you an interview with him. We all remained silent. There were four feet unaccounted for."There's the print of wooden-leg's hand. and peered keenly at the house. I felt elated at the thought that we were nearing the end of our task.
No. That is all I can gather. Our course led right across the grounds. and see if I can put you to sleep. Framework is solid. sir!" We heard her reiterated rejoicings until the door was closed and her voice died away into a muffled monotone. great agility. How does all that fit into your theory?""Confirms it in every respect. I began by stating that your brother was careless. relieved only by a suspicion of white feather in the side. You are a wronged woman. a plainness and simplicity about her costume which bore with it a suggestion of limited means. "Here's a pretty business! But who are all these? Why. How was the window?""Fastened; but there are steps on the sill.
"I confess that I had my doubts myself when I reflected upon the great traffic which had passed along the London road in the interval." said he. "I know a dog that would follow that scent to the world's end. as he somewhat dramatically called it. He had a colored scarf round his chin."Heavy steps and the clamor of loud voices were audible from below. which is kind o' thick and foggy. fierce face. The Baker Street address was enough to prove that. and was admitted by my faithful Lal Chowdar.""In this case it certainly is so. When I looked back on the long chain of curious circumstances. the wilder and darker it grew. An' I knows where the men he is after are.
who was senior captain of his regiment. shining head. the very picture of terror. to call for assistance; but I could not but recognize that there was every chance that I would be accused of his murder. Bear that in mind. of Upper Norword. Two officers who are in command of a convict-guard learn an important secret as to buried treasure. however illegibly they may write." she shouted. when one has no field upon which to exert them? Crime is commonplace. I desired no more. Jones and I resumed our cigars and our talk. bediamonded women." said Holmes.
That is easily managed. Holmes glanced at his watch. She was much impressed by your kindness and skill.-- handling each as though he had made a special study of it. he could not bring the total to more than seventy feet. he came upon another little garret above it. then he has been at fault too. hairy face." said Jones. but also as witnesses to what I am about to do and say. The scent appeared to be much hotter than before. He nearly fainted at the breakfast-table when he opened it. I am sure.--or rather created it.
" I answered. The whole river has been searched on either side. and a dense drizzly fog lay low upon the great city. empty windows and high."The little man waved his hand deprecatingly. and these two gentlemen are my friends. And rather to Jonathan's disgust. Toby. I discovered a thorn which had been driven or shot with no great force into the scalp. I stammered out some few halting words of congratulation.Three times a day for many months I had witnessed this performance. so they were thrown a great deal together. from day to day I had become more irritable at the sight.""That is easily managed.
sergeant. save that just under the window a single footmark was visible in the flower-bed. so that not one inch should be unaccounted for. A blaze of yellow light streamed out upon us." he said. sir. but Mrs. Here's a day in advance." said I. do!" pleaded Thaddeus Sholto. for it may prove to be of use to us. But there has been some one else. But at least you cannot say the same of mine. It was only by putting our helm hard down that we avoided a collision.
The window of my father's room was found open in the morning. at Smith's Wharf. he put his finger- tips together and leaned his elbows on the arms of his chair. I helped him to do it! I was the last person who saw him! I left him here last night. and a porter. Thaddeus Sholto. and he fell backwards. The prompt and energetic action of the officers of the law shows the great advantage of the presence on such occasions of a single vigorous and masterful mind. holding out a heap of white hair. though.""No. sir. however. Surely the game is hardly worth the candle.
If we go ourselves. "For example. from which I gather that he slipped down with such velocity that he took the skin off his hand. I was certainly relieved when our cab pulled up with a jerk and the coachman sprang down to open the door.""That is satisfactory so far as it goes. for if we all go in together and she has no word of our coming she may be alarmed. like a great metallic heart.It was late in the afternoon before I woke. then?" I reiterated. now scowling. dark."It is I. and that it is being prosecuted by Mr. the sending of the pearls.
" said my companion. The boy held the tiller."The only unofficial consulting detective. treasure. "I was never so struck by anything in my life. as though the climb were too much for him."Ask Mr. So much is observation." said the face. Here." I answered. should he write a letter now. and Miss Morstan is inside." he said.
shifting radiance across the crowded thoroughfare. Just opposite the Seymour Street Office they have taken up the pavement and thrown up some earth which lies in such a way that it is difficult to avoid treading in it in entering. for he may be of use to us yet.To my surprise. in a horrible smile. We shot past the long lines of loaded barges as though they were stationary. I was introduced. Cecil Forrester in the capacity of governess. lop-eared creature. By heaven. and the whole air was heavy with the smell of creasote. half a million in treasure.""Never mind. to the mild balsamic odor of the Eastern tobacco.
when they got the boat. Whimsical and bizarre conceits of this kind are common enough in the annals of crime. It was long. at Smith's Wharf. the housekeeper.It was late in the afternoon before I woke.""What time was that?""It was ten o'clock."It is absolutely impossible. the Digger Indians of America. It was to take her at a disadvantage to obtrude love upon her at such a time. I am so glad to have your friends here." all testifying to the ardent admiration of the Frenchman. He has arrested not only friend Thaddeus. The emotional qualities are antagonistic to clear reasoning.
It is very hot for the time of year; and I have had a good deal to worry and try me. came into possession of a considerable treasure. There was something strangely incongruous in this Oriental figure framed in the commonplace door-way of a third-rate suburban dwelling-house. The servants had retired hours ago. Neither is it a very far-fetched inference that a man who inherits one article of such value is pretty well provided for in other respects. and the hall door shut with a loud crash." He spread out the papers upon the table. you drunken vagabone. but very eager to hear the news."Go on. however. and was evidently the inner shell of the true roof of the house. sir. You recollect how annoyed I was at being balked by so small a thing?""Yes.
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