Author:佚名 Source:none Hits:114 UpdateTime:2008-10-19 1:02:59
Summer's over and school's back in session (we moved South years ago, but still haven't gotten used to kids starting school before Labor Day!) and it's time to make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to do homework.
A couple observations from a working mother of three, who just happens to own a lamp store.
If you're going to include your child in the selection of her lamp, do a bit of pre-shopping. Lamp choices can be daunting to an adult, but they be overwhleming to a child, whether the child is 5 or 15.
Over and over again, we've watched moms lead theur under-10 year old child to our store's "Kids" section, ask the child which lamp he likes, then try to talk the child out of his selection, because it doesn't fit the space or
decor of the room. Too many times, we've watched moms try to gently explain to a 12 year old that the $450. lamp she's just fallen in love with isn't in the family budget.
Too many times, we've watched as mother and 16 year old daughter try to balance the selection of a chrome and glass ultra contemporary lamp with the Country French furnishings of the daughter's room. Bottom line: If
you're going to let your child pick out his/her lamp, pre-select the choices so you can exercise some control over the look, cost and size of the lamp. We recommend Two Choices for a pre-teen and Three Choices for a
Let's get back to that "quiet, well-lit place to do homework." Where, in the house, a child does his studying is the real issue...whether it's at a desk in his own room, on the floor of the living room or at the kitchen counter. The
important point, of course, is that a specific place and a specified time be designated and a routine established. And wherever that place is, your "job" as a parent to is make sure THAT'S the spot that has adequate reading
Bottom line: If your child sits at a desk or table to do homework, provide a lamp that's tall enough and the bottom of the lampshade is wide enough, to cast good light on the work area. The base of the lamp should be sturdy
enough so that a brush by a book or a wave of an arm won't continually knock the lamp over. The size of the lamp's base should not take up too much of the work area, so that it doesn't have to be constantly moved around
to make way for projects. The lamp should be "replaceable", i.e. NOT a sentimental family heirloom, just in case there is an accidental knock or a mishap with a spilled glass of juice or a swipe with a pencil. The lamp should
have at LEAST a 60watt bulb.
If your child ends up spawled on the floor, as one of our always did, try to make sure THAT spot is within a good pool of light, whether from a nearby table lamp or a floor lamp. The light provided by ceiling fixtures, track or can
lights just isn't enough for reading. Since the distance from the table or floor lamp, to the floor where your child is, is greater than from a desk or table, the nearby lamp should have at LEAST a 100watt bulb.
Just a brief note about Halogen Task Lamps: Much as we love them, for desk or bedside use, because they're flexible and give such good reading light, we do NOT recommend them for any children under 10 years old. The
downside of that wonderful, pure white light from a halogen bulb, is HEAT and an accidental brush could result in, if not a real burn, at least a very uncomfortable experience. we learned with our easily distracted
child, a lamp with moveable parts is just more fun to play with than doing math.
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